Solar Panel Servicing and Maintenance in Newcastle

To avoid your solar system requiring repairs, having it maintained by a professional can help prevent more serious issues from arising later on while saving you both time and money. As they say, prevention is better than cure!

Having your solar system maintained helps keep it running at peak performance, while promptly addressing issues and preventing your bills from getting higher. You wouldn’t compromise on servicing your vehicle, so why not keep your solar system working efficiently by maintaining it?

Solar Panel Maintenance dust and debris icon

Dust & Debris

Solar Panel Maintenance moisture and water seepage icon

Water & Moisture Seepage

solar panel maintenance vermin icon


Solar Panel Maintenance elements icon

The Elements (Hail, Wind & Sunlight)

With regular maintenance, you can quickly address any issues that come up with your system. Irrespective of the installation, keeping your system maintained is the only way to prevent it from malfunctioning over time.

As part of our commitment to providing the best solar services, we guarantee that:

  • All panels installed or services are clean and free of defects
  • All parts of the system, including wires, are in good working order with absolutely no damage, deterioration, or corrosion.
  • The vents are clean with no debris
  • All fittings and cables are securely attached
  • The inverter display panel is reviewed for recorded faults
  • Clear access to the isolator switches
  • Emergency procedures for shutdown and isolation are clearly displayed

We also offer the installation of VEXO Solar Mesh Guards to prevent birds and vermin from damaging your solar panels.

Testimonials From Our Satisfied Clients

Frequently Asked Questions About Solar Panel Servicing and Maintenance

Can solar panels be refubished?

Due to rapid changes in technology and incompatibility with previous panels/systems, we are unable to refurbish solar panels.

How often should solar panels be serviced?

For optimal performance and the prevention of faults, we recommend they are serviced every five years.

Should I clean my solar panels regularly?

Ideally, your panels should be cleaned a few times a year to extend their lifespan while preventing poor energy absorption from a buildup of dirt or debris.

How can I tell if my solar system needs to be serviced?

While a failing solar system can be easily identified, you may be wondering if it’s time to get it serviced. While the issues may not be too obvious now, over time they can become much worse. If you aren’t completely sure if your system needs servicing, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Was your system installed more than three years ago?
  • Are you completely satisfied with your solar system’s current performance?
  • Has the company that installed your solar system gone out of business or cannot be contacted?
  • Would you like to expand or upgrade the system for more efficiency?
  • Do you want peace of mind that your solar system is running effectively?

What is the expected lifespan of a solar panel?

With proper and regular maintenance, you should easily see ten to twenty-five years from your panels.